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(21 May 2014) The New European Laboratory for Nuclear Research with Intensive Light and Bright Gamma-ray in Bucharest by Dr. Dimitar Balabanski

The cycle of lectures of the Institute for Advanced Studies Balkanski-Panitza aims to present to the wide audience leading researchers from Bulgaria and abroad who work in various academic fields (humanitarian and social sciences, science, engineering). Among the lectors are distinct figures from the civil society, means of mass communication and business with respect to the education and science issues in Bulgaria. The lectures aim to bridge the different fields of the scientific knowledge and to contribute to the enrichment of the academic life in Bulgaria in accordance to the mission of the Institute.

What:    The New European Laboratory for Nuclear Research with Intensive Light and Bright Gamma-ray in Bucharest by Dr. Dimitar Balabanski
When:   21 May 2014, 19:00
Where:  Sofia University Rectorate, lecture hall 23

The project for European Laboratory for Nuclear Research with Intensive Light and Bright Gamma-ray which is financed by European funds of the program for regional development will be presented in the lecture. The laboratory is being built in the suburbs of Bucharest, Magurele, which is at about 45 km distance from Ruse and is part of the European Infrastructure project for Research with Extreme Light Infrastructure with a goal of generation and utilization of hyper intensive and very short impulses of coherent light. The lecture will discuss the scientific program of the laboratory in Magurele, which is in the process of preparation and the different scientific instruments which are being prepared.

Dr. Dimitar Balabanski is a senior researcher first class at the National Institute of Physics and Nuclear Research “Horia Hulubey” in Magurele, Bucharest, Romania. He is in the team which is working on the new European Laboratory ELI-NP and heads the team “Nuclear Physics and application of brilliant stacks of gamma rays.” He graduated from the Sofia University with major in engineer physics in 1980. He worked on his dissertation in the Research center in Ulich, Germany. In the period 2007-2013 he is an associated professor at the Institute for Nuclear Research and Nuclear Energy of Bulgarian Academy of Science.

He has lead more than 30 experimental projects in different laboratories in Europe, USA, Japan, China, Australia, and South Africa. He is an author of more than 150 articles in international journals. He holds the prize “Pythagoras” in the area of natural science and math for 2010. He has been a professor or a visiting professor at the University of Leuven (Belgium), Knoxville, Tennessee (USA), Camerino (Italy), and Paris-south XI (France). Since 2009 he is a member of the Committee for Nuclear Physics of the European Physics Association.

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