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This year, the Annual General Assembly Meeting of the Balkanski-Panitza Institute for Advanced Study will be held in Sofia on May 30, 2023, at 16:00 at the Cybersecurity Laboratory at Sofia Tech Park (111-G “Tzarigradsko Shosse” Blvd., Laboratory Complex Bldg., fl. 1).

All members of the Association are invited. Please renew your membership for 2023 and transfer your membership fee now (bank details in “Contacts“).

You can download the invitation (in Bulgarian) here.

For more information about membership related questions, visit the “Membership” section.


A second General Assembly Meeting of the Balkanski-Panitza Institute for Advanced Study will be held in Sofia on December 7, 2023, at 16:00 at the Cybersecurity Laboratory at Sofia Tech Park (111-G “Tzarigradsko Shosse” Blvd., Laboratory Complex Bldg., fl. 1).

All members of the Association are invited. You can now renew your membership for 2024 or pay your membership for 2023, if you have not already, by transferring your membership fee (bank details in “Contacts“).

You can download the invitation (in Bulgarian) here.

For more information about membership related questions, visit the “Membership” section.

HAPPY Day of the National Enlighteners!

“I think true happiness is when you give. And because I believe that people are born to be happy, the more you give, the more you get, and the happier you are”, Prof. Balkanski says.

On behalf of the entire team of the Balkanski-Panitza Institute for Advanced Studies, we congratulate all friends of Bulgarian science on the Day of the Enlighteners and wish you light and success on the difficult path of caring for society through education, enlightenment and science.


This year, the Annual General Assembly Meeting of the Balkanski-Panitza Institute for Advanced Study will be held in Sofia on May 30, 2023, at 16:00 at the Cybersecurity Laboratory at Sofia Tech Park (111-G “Tzarigradsko Shosse” Blvd., Laboratory Complex Bldg., fl. 1).

All members of the Association are invited. Please renew your membership for 2023 and transfer your membership fee now (bank details in “Contacts“).

You can download the invitation (in Bulgarian) here.

For more information about membership related questions, visit the “Membership” section.


This year, the Annual General Assembly Meeting of the Balkanski-Panitza Institute for Advanced Study will be held in Sofia on June 24, 2022, at 17:00 at the Cybersecurity Laboratory at Sofia Tech Park (111-G “Tzarigradsko Shosse” Blvd., Laboratory Complex Bldg., fl. 1).

All members of the Association are invited. Please renew your membership for 2022 and transfer your membership fee now (bank details in “Contacts“).

You can download the invitation (in Bulgarian) here.

For more information about membership related questions, visit the “Membership” section.

Annual General Assembly Meeting 2021

This year, the Annual General Assembly Meeting of the Balkanski-Panitza Institute for Advanced Study will be held in Sofia on June 16, 2021, at 12:00 at the “Architect’s Club” (Restaurant) at the Central Residence of the Architects (11 “Krakra” Str.).

All members of the Association are invited. Please renew your membership for 2021 and transfer your membership fee now (bank details in “Contacts“).

You can download the invitation (in Bulgarian) here.

For more information about membership related questions, visit the “Membership” section.

Prof. Dr. Dimitar Vatsov

(6 December 2017) On Truth and University Today by Prof. Dr. Dimitar Vatsov

When: 6 December 2017, 19:00
Where: Sofia University Rectorate, lecture hall 240 (floor 1)

In this lecture Dimitar Vatsov will shortly outline the performative theory of truth elaborated in his last book (This is True! Sofia: New Bulgarian University, 2016). He will show that truth-telling is a specific practical gesture, a particular speech device: the utterances of the type “This is true!” generalize what is declared to be true as a sample, as a model to be followed, as a paradigm that should be reiterated always in the same way (but mention that often delusions and for sure lies repeat the same formula). Being a practical gesture – being a performative, – truth-telling never ends in an absolute truth. The truths we utter even in mathematics and physics have certain degree of uncertainty.

This theory has its public consequences: it opens possibilities for its own political uses and abuses that are to be pointed out in advance…
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