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The Saving of Bulgaria’s Jews: Veneration and Criticism 70 Years Later by Michael Bar-Zohar

When:   11 March, 2013, 19:15
Where:  Andrey Delchev Auditorium

Michael Bar-Zohar, Renowned Israeli historian and novelist; AUBG Honorary Degree Recipient and Commencement Speaker 2010

Award-winning Israeli historian and novelist Michael Bar-Zohar visits the American University in Bulgaria and recounts the amazing story of how Bulgaria’s Jews were saved during World War II. Born in Bulgaria, Professor Bar-Zohar studied economics and international relations at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. He also studied at the Institute of Political Science in the University of Paris, where he earned a PhD. Bar-Zohar has also been elected to the Israeli government in the 1980s and early 1990s. Professor Bar-Zohar is also an AUBG honorary degree holder.

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Truth in the Global Media Age by Prof. Clifford Christians

When:   18 April, 2012, 19:30
Where:  Andrey Delchev Auditorium

Clifford Christians is one of the leading academic figures in the world of media ethics. The recipient of numerous awards, Professor Christians currently serves on the editorial boards of a dozen academic journals and is Professor Emeritus of Communications, Media Studies and Journalism at the University of Illinois. In this lecture, Professor Christians discusses ethics in the age of global media.

Clifford Christians is one of the leading academic figures in the world of media ethics. The recipient of numerous awards, Professor Christians currently serves on the editorial boards of a dozen academic journals and is Professor Emeritus of Communications, Media Studies and Journalism at the University of Illinois. In this lecture, Professor Christians discusses ethics in the age of global media.

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Psychoanalysis and Society: Prohibition, Enjoyment and the Spirits of Capitalism by Dr. Yannis Stavrakakis

When:   28 March, 2012, 19:30
Where:  Andrey Delchev Auditorium

Dr. Yannis Stavrakakis, Associate Professor, School of Political Sciences, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece

Well-known Greek political theorist Yannis Stavrakakisdiscusses the two spirits of capitalism in a psychological analysis of the different socioeconomic approaches. Professor Stavrakakis also talks about the European crisis and answers questions from the audience. Dr. Yannis Stavrakakis is mainly known for his explorations of the importance of psychoanalytic theory for contemporary political and cultural analysis and currently serves as Associate Professor at the School of Political Sciences of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki.

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Europe’s Real Crisis by Mr. Ivan Krastev

When:   9 February, 2012, 19:30
Where:  Andrey Delchev Auditorium

Mr. Ivan Krastev, Chair of the Board, Program Director, Political Research, Centre for Liberal Strategies

Europe and the Euro-Challenge by H.E. Mr. Philippe Autié

When:   25 January, 2012, 19:15
Where:  Andrey Delchev Auditorium

The French Ambassador to Bulgaria Philippe Autie will discuss Europe and the challenges in front of the common currency of the Eurozone with students from the American University in Bulgaria. The lecture will take place on Wednesday, 25 January 2012 at 7:15 PM in the “Balkanski” Academic Center on Skaptopara Campus. This is the second lecture, jointly organized by AUBG and the “Balkanski-Panitza” Institute for Advanced Studies.

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The End of Europe? by Dr. Dimitar Bechev

When:   18 January, 2012, 19:00
Where:  Andrey Delchev Auditorium

Dimitar Bechev, head of the European Council on Foreign Relations’ office in Sofia and a Professor at Oxford University, opened new lecture series at AUBG. On January 18, 2012, the first lecture, titled “The End of Europe?” was held in the Andrey Delchev Auditorium of the Balkanski Academic Center. The series has been organized by AUBG in cooperation with the Balkanski-Panitza Institute for Advanced Studies. The Institute is the brainchild of the close friends Professor Minko Balkanski and the late Dimi Panitza. The Balkanski-Panitza Institute for Advanced Studies is an international non-profit body dedicated to the promotion of excellence in sciences, humanities and social studies. BPIAS scholarly activities have a special geographical focus on the Black Sea and the Silk Road regions. Established by prominent European and American academics gathered in Fourges, France, on June 20, 2011, the Institute is an autonomous association bringing together institutional and individual members.

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