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2016 Summer School in Economics

“Innovation, New Trade, and New Growth”

Event dates: August 15 – 20th, 2016 2016 Summer School in Economics

Director: Philippe Aghion, Harvard University

Organizers: Balkanski-Panitza Institute for Advanced Study (BPIAS) and AUBG Business Club

The Balkanski-Panitza Institute for Advanced Study (BPIAS) is an international non-profit organization dedicated to the promotion of innovation and excellence in sciences, technology, humanities and social studies. The Institute was established by prominent European and American academics gathered in Fourges, France, on 20 June 2011, under the inspiration of Dimi Panitza.


(12 November 2014) Humanistic Education by Prof. Hristo Todorov, PhD

When: 12 November 2014, 19:00
Where: Sofia University Rectorate, lecture hall 224 (hall America for Bulgaria)

Prof. Dr. Hristo Todorov is Deputy Rector of the New Bulgaria University. He graduated from the Philosophy Department at Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”. He has been a lecturer in History of Philosophy at Sofia University. Since 2003 he is Professor at the New Bulgarian University and from 2005 to 2012 was head of the Philosophy and Sociology Department at the same university.

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(15 October 2014) Physics in the kitchen by Andrey Varlamov, Ph.D

When: 15 October 2014, 19:00
Where: Sofia University Rectorate, lecture hall 224 (hall America for Bulgaria)

How heat propagates in the media, what is the difference between the pizza baking in a traditional wood-burning oven and the electric one, why the flavor of boiled meat and that one made on the grill are so different, how to calculate scientifically the cooking time for the egg alla cocque and spaghetti, why the cin-cin with the crystal glasses filled with champagne or sparkling wine is accompanied by beautiful sound of the crystal, why vodka typically contains 40% of alcohol, why the professional bartenders vary the degree of grounding of the coffee beans depending on the weather? In this seminar we will discuss these and many other questions of the Gastronomic Universe that surrounds us.

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(25 June 2014) Europe, Ukraine and the Bulgarian strategic choice by Dr. Ognyan Minchev

When:   25 June 2014, 19:00
Where:  Sofia University Rectorate, lecture hall 224 (hall America for Bulgaria)

Dr. Ognyan Minchev holds a degree in Sociology from Sofia University. He specialized Political science and international relations in Washington DC, Los Angeles, Moscow, and Portugal. He taught International relations at Sofia University from 1999 until 2008.

You can read excerpts of this lecture and find more information in and

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(11 June 2014) Climate Change: The Scientific Evidence by Dr. Yves Balkanski

When:   11 June 2014, 19:00
Where:  Sofia University Rectorate, lecture hall 224 (hall America for Bulgaria)

During this lecture Dr. Yves Balkanski will review the recent scientific evidence that links human activities to climate change. He will focus on changes in atmospheric composition and discuss the main gases and particles that affect the Earth radiation budget. He will show what the climate records of the last 800.000 years teach us how the main atmospheric components have varied over the last 8 glacial – interglacial periods and we will see that human activities have produced changes at an unprecedented speed over this period.

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(14 May 2014) National Reserve Sboryanovo Archeological findings and sensations, sustainability and paradoxes in its management by Prof. Dr. Diana Gergova

When:   14 May 2014, 19:00
Where:  Sofia University Rectorate, lecture hall 23

The long archeological excavations of the National Reserve Sboryanovo revealed the ruins of the capital city of the Northern Thracians – Getty. The uncovered archeological heritage is with a huge potential – scientific, forming the national identity, and economical – as a place of cultural tourism and sustainable development. As a counter-point to the up to now deficiency of interest towards the national archeological heritage, the accumulated experience in the Reserve allows the introduction of a new effective way of preservation and management of the archeological heritage.

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(9 April 2014) The Hero and the Monster. The Idea of Political Power in the Classic Tragedy and its Modern Interpretations by Prof. Boyan Manchev

When:   09 April, 2014, 19:00
Where:  Sofia University Rectorate, lecture hall 224 (hall America for Bulgaria)
The lecture will explore the idea of the political community in Ancient Greece while focusing on pieces of classical tragedies and in particular on Sophocles’ ”Oedipus the King.” Sophocles’ interpretation of the myth for Oedipus will be examined as a political text, which implies a particular thesis about the political power. The goal of the analysis is to contribute both to the initial structural characteristics of the European idea about politics and to the uncovering of the mythical models, which contribute to the idea’s formation.

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